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South Walton Little League

South Walton Little League

Board of Directors

2023-2024 South Walton Little League Board of Directors
President - Travis Hamilton [[email protected]]
Vice President - Kyle Boyer [[email protected]]
Secretary - Cole Hayden [[email protected]]
Treasurer - Becky Wilson [[email protected]]
Safety Officer - TBA [[email protected]]
UIC -Joel "JT" Williamson
Sponsorship - Clint Salveson [[email protected]]
Scheduler - David Williams [[email protected]]
VP Baseball - Joel Duncan
Player Agent, Baseball - Joey Nerstad 
VP Softball - Mike Henry
Player Agent, Softball -
Michelle Brown
Social Media - TBA [[email protected]]

Our Mission

Our Little League Mission

Little League Baseball, Incorporated is a non-profit organization whose mission is to "promote, develop, supervise, and voluntarily assist in all lawful ways, the interest of those who will participate in Little League Baseball and Softball."Through proper guidance and exemplary leadership, the Little League program assists children in developing the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well-being. By espousing the virtues of character, courage and loyalty, the Little League Baseball and Softball program is designed to develop superior citizens rather than superior athletes.Founded in 1939; granted Federal Charter July 16, 1964, by unanimous act of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States of America and signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson as Public Law 88-378, 88th Congress H.R. 9234, and amended December 26, 1974, Public Law 93-551, 93rd Congress, H.R. 8864. Little League is tax exempt.Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in Little League. After completing a Little League volunteer application and passing a required national background check, parents may become involved in practices, and be eligible as coaches, managers, umpires, local league board members and other volunteer positions within the league.

Board Meetings

Board meetings:
Upcoming Meetings TBA for 2021 Spring Season


South Walton Little League
325 Moll Drive, or P.O. Box 1496 if sending us mail
Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459

Email: [email protected]

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